As our time in New Zealand closed, we
had a flurry of interesting adventures. The first one -
an attempt to cycle the Queen Charlotte Track, pushed the
definition of "interesting". The Queen
Charlotte Track is a hiking trail in the Marlborough
Sounds area of the South Island. Normally, it's hiking-only,
but after the busy tourist season it is also open for
mountain bikes. Although reported to be quite hilly and
rough, the views along the ridges sounded fantastic, and
we would be on the trail for about 4 days.
We took a water taxi to the trail head, jumped off,
and took a "start of the trail" picture at the
jetty. The start of the trail is virtually straight up a
rough singletrack path, unrideable with our fully-loaded
bikes, so we started pushing up the hill.
As Shelley was pushing her bike slowly up the hill, it
slipped sideways, falling over with a sickening CRUNCH.
Just 50 meters from the start of a 4 day ride, the bike
was finished - a broken rear derailluer hanger. Without a
replacement, we could cobble together a single-speed bike.
Fortunately, another water taxi was just leaving the
jetty, and we were able to flag it down and catch a ride
back to town.
As our time was running out, we couldn't wait for the
replacement part to be shipped from the North Island. The
Queen Charlotte Track will have to go back on our list of
"things to do" on our next trip!
We took a ferry to the North Island, got the
replacement hanger, visited with friends in Wellington
for an evening, then drove up to Auckland with the bikes
packed tightly in a compact car.
From Auckland we took a ferry to the Great Barrier
Island, a beautiful, remote island with only 700 full-time
residents. The place has no power - only generators and
solar panels for the homes and retreats spread across the
hilly island.
We spent four days cycling around GBI (or the Barrier,
as it's called locally), including one very strenuous day
on a "forest road" closed to cars. The slick
mud from the previous night's rain made it more
interesting - we had to stop a few times to dig thick
deposits out from between the tires and the bike frame.
Our last evening of camping in New Zealand started
with a beautiful, star-filled night in a quiet, peaceful
bay. Of course, without access to the 'real world', we
didn't know that a rainstorm was coming! Our next day's
riding would again cover us with mud, this time from head
to toe. It was hard to be upset about it, though,
surrounded by beautiful scenery. Things dry out
Our 4+ months in New Zealand have unfortunately come
to an end. It's been a great visit; we've come to love
the country, and look forward to our next chance to
return. It's hard to pick a single greatest place - we
enjoyed so many places, spread all across the country
from the North Island to the South Island. The beautiful
and varied scenery, friendly and relaxed people, and
excellent facilities for cyclists make New Zealand one of
our favorite places in the world. For all our friends and
co-travelers met along the way, we thank you for helping
to make it a great ride!

Getting ready for the Queen Charlotte Track
(20 minutes later: broken bike)

Steve crosses a swing bridge
Great Barrier Island, NZ

Shelley negotiates a rough trail
Great Barrier Island, NZ

Final campsite in New Zealand
Great Barrier Island