After a good week of cycling off-road
at Molesworth and Rainbow Stations, we cycled back
east to Blenheim and hopped on the train down to
Christchurch. Riding out of Christchurch we came to
the Banks Peninsula, formed ages ago from two
volcanoes. The beautiful scenery was best appreciated
from the very steep hilltops, although climbing so
many hills just to descend to the shore again was
tiring! A few days allowed us to circle the entire
Peninsula, then take a ferry to Lyttleton, a port
town near Christchurch. Unfortunately, we couldn't
take the tunnel back to Christchurch - another hill
tackled, and we were there. We hopped a bus down to
Dunedin (we've seen the east coast before), and found
the famous Baldwin Street hill, noted in the Guinness
Book of World Records as the steepest
road in the world at 1:1.266, or an
astounding 38 degrees. Stairs climb the hill on the
sides, and people can get a certificate for just
walking up the thing.
Of course, we had to try to ride it.
Climbing the road was like going up a wall,
climbing a couple of blocks nearly straight up. After
finally making it to the top, it would take some 15
minutes just to catch our breath before heading down
with brakes full-on. Not the hardest climb we've
done, since it's relatively short, but it certainly
had to be the steepest!
We left Dunedin on the Taieri Gorge tourist train,
bringing us to the start of the Central Otago Rail-Trail.
The train was once the main method of transportation
throughout the region, but when roads were completed
(and government restrictions against trucking were
removed), the train was doomed. The rails were ripped
up, leaving about 200 km of railway-graded track for
cyclists, walkers, and horse riders to enjoy.
After leaving the Rail-trail, we cycled south
towards the Catlins area, along the southern shore of
the South Island. All the way there, people would
rave about the area - "Oh, you'll love the
Catlins", they'd say, but when we got there, the
weather had turned a bit rainy, and the scenery
wasn't quite as good as anticipated. We did get to
see some sea lions and yellow-eyed penguins along the
shore, and stayed in a nice, peaceful bird sanctuary
one night.
We slowly headed west towards Invercargill and a
few days of rest over the Easter holiday - as well as
a couple of days of rain and hailstorms. We even
extended the stay a couple of days to listen to the
NCAA Final Four on the Internet (no TV coverage in
NZ, unfortunately), although the result wasn't the
best (our team, Kansas, lost in the semifinals to
eventual champion Maryland). We also took in a Pink
Floyd cover-band concert in town - not bad!

Banks Peninsula,
near Christchurch, New Zealand

Shelley tackles the Baldwin Street Hill,
the world's steepest street (1:1.266)
Dunedin, New Zealand

Not quite
as steep:
the Central Otago Rail-Trail

Sea Lion on a Catlin's beach